Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Egypt my country

hi guys and gals i was hoping that this site will open up some conversation about our country. it is time to stop the slogins and start thinking about the future and who will be in contro of our country, i hope it is not the arm.  please share this link with as many pople as possible and lets start sharing ideas not slogins

Egypt my Country: Egypt my country

Egypt my Country: Egypt my country: "I am soooo proud of the millions of Egyptians that marshed for days and manged to change the situation in Egypt without blood shed. But i ha..."

Monday, February 21, 2011

Egypt my country

I am soooo proud of the millions of Egyptians that marshed for days and manged to change the situation in Egypt without blood shed. But i have a question   who is in charge now? and please don't say the army.... the government in charge is Mobark government so where is the change?  the government got rid of the Senate and the House.... and yes we all know that the elections to choose these people were questionable but don't you think that if we have more than 400 people debating any issue is better than having 20 or 30 (the existing government).  i think we should get rid of this government get back the house and the Senate let these people chose a government and believe me i will be a lot better government than what we have now. i believe that out of the 400 or 500 people that constitute the Senate and the House we will have a least 200 who have Egypt best interest at heart.   what do you think